Watch the Conquest of Azeroth trailer
Embark on a brand new adventure: 21 brand new classes, a pristine Vanilla Azeroth, multiple expansions, and all of Ascension’s greatest features built into a brand new game. Tackle your favorite challenges, meet incredible new friends, and take down nostalgic enemies, all while mastering 21 completely new classes forged from Warcraft lore.
Welcome to Conquest of Azeroth!
Conquest of Azeroth is a brand new project from Ascension. This new take on classic World of Warcraft invites you back to Azeroth in a completely new way: 21 new classes, polished and customized with never before seen spells, custom visuals, icons, and so much more. Conquest of Azeroth is the new Vanilla WoW, allowing champions across the ages to dive into nostalgic adventures while mastering new skills, new abilities, and new playstyles.
Project Origins[]
Originally started by Liquidos, Conquest of Azeroth had a vision of remaking the titular world with brand new ways to explore and foster a community. Azeroth has always been bigger than the bits we’ve been able to see, and the goal of CoA is to allow heroes access to hidden parts of the lore and mythos to challenge familiar foes in new ways. All the while, the game seeks to restore the wonder and excitement of stepping into Azeroth for the first time.
Since joining our community, Liquidos has worked alongside top developers to further the project. Though closely working with the Ascension devs, CoA will have its own team leveraging the best practices, codebase, tools, and experience that Ascension has gathered over the years. It’s development will exist alongside, Classless WoW, and a ton of the features that CoA will benefit from is stuff that Ascension has already done. As we continue to improve the quality and systems of Ascension Classless, CoA will see those benefits as well. From a quality website and landing page to clear, informative menus and in-game UIs, Heroes can expect timely updates and releases for both projects.
Into the Alpha[]
Ascension invites Heroes to participate in the Conquest of Azeroth Alpha Phase! During this crucial part of CoA, you have a chance to be a part of the development process, providing insight, reporting issues, and working directly with developers to polish the game and move it forward. The CoA Alpha will have its own Discord where Heroes in the Alpha can communicate directly with developers, working together to improve the game and mold it into an incredible experience.
If you’re interested in joining the alpha, you can find the bundle here on the Ascension Store:
Area 52 Bundle:
Al'ar Bundle:
The Bundle only costs 100 DP, and you only need 1 bundle to be able to access the alpha!
Additionally, Heroes in-game can get lucky and find one on the Auction House for gold! Be sure to keep an eye open for bundles up for sale.
Integrated into Ascension's Ecosystem[]
Best of all, full integration with the current Ascension architecture. Playing will be as simple as swapping to the Conquest of Azeroth realm.
One Launcher, One Patch, One Account![]
Playing Conquest of Azeroth will be as simple as swapping realms: it exists on the same client, using the same patch and launcher, as Ascension. Seamlessly swap between CoA and Classless, playing whichever you want, whenever you want, with no fuss or hassle. No separate client, no BS realm-lists: just log in, choose the realm you want, and play. Ez.
Conquest of Azeroth houses many of the same Ascension systems and features that Classless WoW players enjoy: from the Hybrid Risk System to Mythic+ Dungeons, multiple Raid difficulties, and itemization changes, Heroes can look forward to many of their favorite Ascension features also being available in Conquest of Azeroth!
21 New Custom Classes[]
Conquest of Azeroth features 21 unique, completely custom classes built from the lore of the Warcraft universe. Using these, you’ll face down familiar challenges in a brand new way, slaying foes from Blackrock Spire to Warsong Gulch. As you explore the new classes and master their skills, you’ll ascend to a paragon of power, conquering the lands of Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, and beyond.
Every one of CoA’s 21 unique classes has both a standard class kit, and 3 unique specializations. The core skills provide all classes with fun, unique, and powerful guaranteed abilities, and specializations take it further by allowing tons of customization, ensuring that no two members of the same class are ever the same. Heroes can look forward to using Specializations to truly customize their class, focusing on what they find important and grabbing the skills core to their identity.
Each class can rely on a standard kit to carry them to level 30. These starter spells are the core abilities of the class, and are the same no matter where you choose to specialize. Once you hit level 30, however, Heroes will begin obtaining Ability Essences that they can spend throughout the 3 Specialization Trees to gain unique skills that set them apart from other members of their class. Specialization Trees are what ensures that no two Necromancers are ever the same, and are the reason some Sun Clerics are tanks, and others support healers.
Just like Classless WoW, Heroes gain ability essences as they level. You can spend these essences to unlock the skills you want, and cement your personal identity.
List of CoA Classes[]
Necromancers are dark mages whose obsession with death influences the very spells they weave. Outcast by most civilized societies, these wizards summon armies of the undead to serve them in battle. When a more direct approach is needed, they rely on Frost and Disease spells to cripple and drain their foes. Not all necromancers are evil, but many find solace and companionship only with those who share their intense desire for knowledge, no matter the price.
Sun Cleric[]
Sun Clerics are devout disciples of the burning sun and sands. Drawing power from Sunlight generated through their spells, they can heal friends, empower allies, and sear the flesh from foes. Though traditionally only lightly armored, some Sun Clerics choose to follow the Path of the Valkyrie, becoming Sun Knights. These heavily armored bastions lead the charge in their crusade against darkness, shining like a beacon for allies following in their wake.
Starcallers are shimmering knights of Elune: Moon Knights, defenders and huntresses both. These heavily armored fighters use a combination of martial weapons and lunar magic to protect allies and sear foes. Often intimately in-tune with the Arcane, Starcallers rely on their immense mana pool to invoke powerful astral magic, empowering both their offense and defense as they lead allies to victory.
Reapers are shadowy wraiths possessed by the spirits of the weapons they wield. Harvesting souls to cast sinister spells, Reapers wander through Azeroth's Spirit World, only materializing in the physical plane to strike down hapless prey. Any damage they sustain in a fight can be instantly healed, provided they’ve carved up enough of their enemy's flesh.
Tinkers are eccentric inventors that create, deploy, and assemble mechanical devices to devastate foes and defend allies. With a blunderbuss as their primary weapon, most Tinkers prefer to put their finesse into their inventions, rather than their combat. Bombs, remote detonation mines, turrets, mechano-spiders, and more are in the Tinker's toolkit, making them invaluable members to any adventuring party.
Stormbringers are electrifying wizards that that harness the power of wind and rain to hurl shocking blasts at foes. At home in torrential hurricanes, these casters are both armored and mobile, able to dart around the battlefield as a ball of lightning. However, those who revel in the storm, beware: casting spells builds charges of Static, increasing your damage, but bringing you ever closer to Discharge--and an inevitable end.
Knight of Xoroth[]
Knights of Xoroth take their name from the burning world of Xoroth: a Legion world tormented by eternal hellfire. Deadly wardens of plague and flame, these Knights are, in truth, the spirits of Xorothian demons infused into mortal corpses. Now free of their Warlock masters, a Knight of Xoroth must find new meaning in this foreign world, else burn it to ash with apocalyptic hellfire.
Side Note: This has been one of the most popular classes so far as of Launch, and back when LiquidOS ran the server himself.
Barbarians are savage fighters that rely on brute strength and agility to cleave a bloody swath through foes. They can also call upon the spirits of their ancestors to bless and heal allies, ensuring that while there's bloodshed to be had, no one falls. These tribal warriors can even summon the might of the ancient Valkyr to aid them in battle, resurrecting allies--even when dead themselves.
Cultists are dark servants of the Old Gods, sworn to restore the Black Empire and bring about the Hour of Twilight. Generally frail, these mortals make up for their weak bodies with powerful weapons, heavy armor, and shields. Yet the equipment they wear pales in comparison to their dark magic. Cultists can influence others with the whispers of the ancient Gods, summoning tentacles, healing allies, and even transforming into ancient horrors.
Pyromancers are explosive wizards wreathed in magic flame. Few can match their raw destructive power, and fewer still survive an encounter with these hot-tempered mages. All manner of fire magic falls under their domain, from conjuring phoenixes and flaming orbs, to summoning cataclysmic meteors and bolts of searing heat. The strongest Pyromancers can even transform into Dragons.
Rangers are the ultimate spies and scouts. Versatile and resourceful, he can can switch from sword and shield to bow at any time, weaving a flurry of arrows into melee combat. Rangers can make use of various War Horns to empower their allies, and can slip into the shadows to investigate enemy camps and bring back news to friends. Perhaps most unique of all, the Ranger can acquire Hide by slaying foes to craft temporary armor buffs, increasing the effectiveness of both himself and allies. A true jack of all trades, the Ranger is a welcome addition to any party.
Runemasters are sorcerous assassins who devote themselves mind and body to the arcane art of Rune Crafting. Using runes, they can convert all damage they sustain to their Mana Pool, enhance their Rune Daggers, conjure devastating Arcane magic, teleport themselves and allies, and even summon runic pets to serve them.Runemasters are complex and mysterious casters. Like their magic, they take time and dedication to master.
Previously agents of the Burning Legion, Felsworns now use their demonic knowledge in service of a greater cause. Cleave through swaths of foes with powerful combos, or harness chaos magics to burn enemies to cinders. An agile fighter, the Felsworn can lead or follow in a group setting, and is dangerous to encounter alone. Woe unto the fool whom the Felsworn makes its prey…
Guardians are valiant fighters who have dedicated their lives to mastering arms and armor. Battle hardened and war forged, these Heroes find comfort in times of peace with trusted friends, but are no strangers to bloody battlefields and the banners of war. Capable of withstanding huge amounts of physical damage, these frontline fighters can easily change fighting styles by switching weapons to suit their needs.
Witch Hunter[]
Witch Hunters are deadly lone wolves dedicated to rooting out and destroying evil. Highly mobile, resourceful, and merciless, these crossbow-wielding hunters destroy any foe that they perceive as a threat. Using an array of potions and grenades, they can strengthen their shots, empower their silver blade, take down foes before escaping into the night. No evil shall escape their sight.
Son Of Arugal[]
The Son of Arugal is a ferocious hunter, shredding foes to pieces with vicious claw and bite attacks. Overcome by the ancient worgen curse, this savage stalker can lap the blood up from wounded foes, leaping through forests in pursuit of prey. In addition, they can switch back to their human form to become powerful Blood Mages, using sanguine magic to heal allies and themselves.
Monks are monastery initiates typically found in temples and abbeys. Though pacifists by nature, the growing threat of war looming on the horizon has inspired many of these devotees to train in martial combat. Infusing the Light they worship into runes, they can imbue holy magic into weapons or their own furious fists. These faithful warriors seek to bring peace across Azeroth; even if it requires force.
Chronomancers are masters of space and time, wielding the magic of the Bronze Dragonflight to age foes, hasten allies, and turn fights in their favor. Chronomancers naturally leave duplicates of themselves when they travel, and can return to an earlier version of themselves whenever they desire. Additionally, they can harness Chaos Magic to unravel their foes--bringing enemies to an un-timely end.
The Venomancer is a silent stalker that has pledged herself to the great spider Loa, Shadra. Imbued with poisons and shapeshifting power, she can transform into all manner of insects--from spiders, to scorpions, to deadly nerubians. Using these forms, the Venomancer can drain the life from foes, crippling them with poisons and webs before finally taking their last spec of life with a deadly bite.
Primalists are spiritual war-masters connected to the very soul of Azeroth. They can build rage by harnessing bestial power, invoking the spirits of Bears, Wolves, Eagles, and more. Primalists also serve as powerful Geomancers, causing earthquakes and rock-slides to damage foes. Still further, they can use their connection to Azeroth to tap into the power of elemental planes, ushering Wind, Water, and Fire into their attacks.
Witch Doctor[]
The Witch Doctor is a powerful tribal shaman, intricately connected with the ancient Loa spirits. Potions, totems, hexes, and curses make the Witch Doctor the ultimate enfeebler, able to help allies and hinder foes with his maddening array of crippling magic. Often secreted away in caves and deserts, the Witch Doctor excels at Solo Play, able to sustain themselves near indefinitely as foes collapse to their knees beneath the weight of voodoo magic.
Hybrid Risk System:[]
Conquest of Azeroth features the entire Hybrid Risk System so that Heroes of all playstyles can forge a community and friendships with all players on a single realm. Whether you’re a World PvP master, or prefer just exploring Azeroth, this feature ensures that everyone gets the playstyle they want without dividing the realm: anyone can pair up when they want, if they want, with everyone.
Hybrid Risk System Features[]
Just like on Ascension, Heroes will be prompted to select one of the following game modes:
- PvE Mode
- A complete PvE mode, existing in the same phase as PvP mode. Heroes who select this option are completely untargetable for PvP, allowing them to play exactly like they were on a PvE realm while still enjoying the benefits of grouping, dungeons, raids, and battlegrounds with PvP players. While in the open world, you cannot be attacked unless you start something first: exactly like normal PvE mode.
- PvP Mode:
- A full PvP experience. Seek out enemies in the open world and take them down to prove your skill and forge your legacy. PvP mode functions just like a PvP server, with the bonus of existing within the same Open World Phase as PvE mode. This means you can find, group, quest, and trade with other Heroes in PvE. This helps everyone group up for quests, dungeons, and raids, without separating the realm.
- High Risk PvP:
- A separate phase and the ultimate PvP experience: slaying a Hero in High Risk lets you loot some of their items. When taking down another player in High Risk combat, they’ll drop a chest containing a few pieces of both equipped and inventory items. Additionally, while you’re out and about in the open world you’re considered a Treasure Hunter. This powerful buff lets you find Bloodforged versions of Dungeon and Raid gear off of monsters in the open world, meaning you can gear up for PvP entirely by engaging with the Open World. While leveling in High Risk, you can stumble on rare dungeon items without ever having to step inside their original dungeon. Best of all, it’s all non-soulbound, so you can buy, trade, and exchange this powerful gear however you like.
- Additionally, High Risk has a variety of features that Heroes can take advantage of, including rare materials, craftable items, and ways to get spoils.
PvE has a huge place on Ascension, and Heroes looking to become the ultimate destroyer of Evil can look forward to half a dozen different, completely realized difficulties for dungeons and raids:
- A full cascade of dungeon difficulties awaits Heroes who love classic dungeons, along with powered up items to match.
- Vanilla Normal Dungeons
- The Classics you know and love
- Vanilla Heroic Dungeons
- Your favorites with a twist and better gear
- Vanilla Mythic Dungeons
- For intrepid adventurers who crave challenge
- Vanilla Mythic+ Dungeons
- For dedicated Heroes and their allies who wish to progress into end-game entirely through 5-man content
- Vanilla Normal Dungeons
- Three different difficulty modes ranging from the Casual to the Savage, Raids are an experience that all Heroes can experience but few can master on their toughest difficulty.
- Flex Normal Raiding
- Entry level raids for all Heroes to experience the content
- Enter with anywhere between 10 and 25 people
- Flex Heroic Raiding
- For stalwart adventurers looking to gear up
- Enter with anywhere between 10 and 25 people
- Ascended Difficulty
- For entire guilds of powerful champions--you’ll need every ounce of strength and mastery to succeed.
- Flex Normal Raiding
Original Raid Mechanics
- Experience a plethora of original raid mechanics designed to breath new life into your favorite fights. You’re not going into a battle you’ve fought before: you’re challenging a brand new experience that will push mastery of your champion to its limits.
- Encounters designed to challenge each of the 21 new Hero classes
Itemization Changes[]
- Vanilla Items are re-designed to improve less useful items, creating new synergies, new opportunities, and new paths of power.
- Vanity Collection
- The entire collection, available to use.