Project Ascension Wiki

Highborne For This

Quest Start Location

This Daily Quest can be accepted from any Call Board and is part of the Adventurer's Contract Daily Quest Pool.

Quest End Location

This Quest can be turned in at Any Call Board.


Adventurers Wanted:

Ghosts haunt the Ruins of Kel'Theril in Winterspring. Will you slay them? Or will you join them?

Kill 8 Anguished Highborne and 20 Suffering Highborne.

Daily highborne for this


Kill Count Target Creature
8 Anguished Highborne
20 Suffering Highborne


Reward Item Count
Mystic Orb 3
Mystic Rune 1
Mark of Ascension 10
Spoils of War Chest 1

[High-Risk] Variant Objectives

Item Count Required Item Source of Item
8 Anguished Spirit Essence Anguished Highborne
20 Suffering Spirit Essence Suffering Highborne

[High-Risk] Variant Rewards

Reward Item Count
Mystic Orb 5
Mystic Rune 1
Mark of Ascension 10
Bloody Spoils of War Chest 1


This quest can be completed to the southwest of Everlook in Winterspring at Lake Kel'Theril.

Daily highborne for this map


Kill the ghosts in the area marked on the map above. Far less Anguished Highborne spawn than Suffering, so always try to tag those first. By making a rotation around the frozen lake and checking the ruins surrounding it you can find all 8 Anguished Highborne, and then kill the remaining Suffering Highborne you need in the center of the lake.
